blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Saturday, April 30, 2005

highlights of last night?

- made friends with 2 random US grad indo peeps at a japanese restaurant. how?? just came up & chat with them after overhearing their *loud* american accented conversation next to our dinner table! i told them how i am in desperate need to meet more US originated indo people and they were just shocked haha ... at least they were excited to meet up with me again!

oh and they were girls!

- made 3 more US grad indo friends after being invited into a little hangout with my mom's friend's brother's business partner's daughter who also graduated from US. without me knowing ... i got invited to hang out at a hooka (is this the correct way to spell the word??) bar >.<. and ever since i set foot here i NEVER knew such a place exists!!! oh i am so excited ... had my 1st strawberry hooka in .... FREAKIN' 3-4 years @_@!!!

it was the 5 of us ... 3 gals and 2 dudes!

one more thing ... when i saw one of the guys .... i was baffled by his resemblance with one of my virtual friends whom i met via ebay years ago. just saw his picture that is all. my virtual friend's name is andrew & obviously this guy's name .... is NOT andrew. but ... i was still shocked by how those 2 look like >.<. and yes i am an observant person :P!

went to a club & the club was such a joke ... and what is with jakarta people? i dont know if this is just for this club .... but last night we saw the dance floor empty most of the time ... instead them high-schoolers and their super super chicken-skinny girl companions just doing their thing at the bar or at their own table, hideout or wherever else they were at -___-;;;

oh one of the guys got me & others a shot of semi-orgasm.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, April 28, 2005

my eyes!!

these past few mornings i have been getting up with dry and itchy eyes @_@.
does anyone have any clue why??? i am getting worried >.<
my poor eyes ...


udah berapa hari ini pagi2 gua bangun dengan mata kering dan gatel @_@.
tau nggak pada kenapa? jadi kuatir nih >.<
mataku yg malang ....

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


here is another random sketch!
... the guy somehow reminds me of trunks from dragonball GT XD!
didnt do it on purpose though :P

current music: samurai champloo playing on the background

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Monday, April 25, 2005

don't know how ...

this came about O_O
... maybe just some random random darkness oozing outta me -___-;;;

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 24, 2005


dont quite remember if i have ever posted these up anywhere >.<
but in case i havent here u go ... comments and critiques welcomed!!

the first one : this was actually done 2 years ago for a contest ... but it got rejected @_@

the second one : this was done last year for my indo friend's calendar project ... but it just never happened haha!! it is a botched product too T__T


web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, April 21, 2005

how do you girls define sexy guys??

i was inside a forum .... specifically in a thread where a friend of mine posted a super super hot gothic looking raito fanart from death note .... and after a long conversation amongst them (on how they define sexy guys) ... apparently in the mid of it i found a friend of mine wrote the things she wrote below. i can totally imagine her ranting all this under one breath with a shinkansen-like speed. as soon as i read it ... i was FLOORED with aching stomach!!

indonesian verion:
co yg sexy itu yg macho tp ga terlalu macho
ga gendut tp ga langsing2 bgt
muscular tp ga keterlaluan..

tp jgn ampe co sexy jd gay TT__TT;;;;
knp banyak co2 keren malah jd gay @_@


english translation:
sexy guys are like the macho type but not too macho
not too fat but not too skinny either
muscular but not too much ....

but not too sexy to a point of looking gay TT__TT;;;;
why are there so many great looking guys that turn out looking like gays @_@


now how do YOU girls define sexy guys @_@??

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 17, 2005

a gift for me

remember this card above i sent out to people for chinese new year this year??
apparently one of my friends was moved enough to return my gift with his ... how kind of him ^__^

below is his gift ... as soon as he saw the 'bruce lee' look alike character in my card ... he just HAD to do something about it .... he especially digs bruce's nasty facial expression ... and his menacing thick lips! so here u go peeps! the running bruce lee and the ANGRY rooster man XD XD!!!

now i really gotta do something to get back at him hahaha!!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Saturday, April 16, 2005

mmmBEST friendster testimonial!


some of these r written in english and indo as u noticed.
i will translate the indo parts ... and after comprehending this,
you can let me know if i were anywhere near this person's description.
this is written by my recently-added sugoi yo masaru san follower!
she was kind enough to write her brutally honest opinions on me ...


(just read the italicized ones for english)

Yes yes yes..... Looks can be deceiving.. Shirley, a living proof.....

Tampang boleh feminin, tapi Bung, jangan salah Bung, kejantanannya ngga kalah sama kewanitaan gayanya = she may look feminine but DUDE, u shouldn't judge her too fast! her manly quality can be as overwhelming as her femininity.

Ahem....jenis selera humornyapun unik.... atau ancur ya? = *cough cough* ... her sense of humour ... is it unique ... or just plain f*cked up?

Berapa banyak graduate dari USA yg suka Pos Kota? = how many US graduates r there out there who LOVES reading Pos Kota (the best selling newspaper in indo that mostly covers unnecessary news on petty rapes, murders, infidelities & other petty crimes in a very tasteless cheesy way)?

Sampai bela2in cari Pos Kota di Plaza Indonesia? = until u went the distance to find Pos Kota in Plaza Indonesia (one of the glitzy malls in the city ... the place that most likely will NOT sell this kind of newspaper :P)

Yg rela meng-translate iklan "Pengobatan alternatif Ki Genderuwo, si manusia 1/2 jin" ke bahasa Internasional? = who were willing to translate the ad of 'the alternate medication of ki genderuwo, the half demon person' into the international language?

Yes dudette, you've got style. THE style.

Betapa enaknya diajak bergila ria... = she is truly a great nutcase to have as a company ....

Seleranyapun patut diacungi jempol(mulai dari manga, anime, music, artists, sampai Pos Kota). = her taste is really top notch (from manga, anime, music, artists to Pos Kota ... the said newspaper)

Kesabarannyapun lumayan panjang, plus betapa oh betapa rajinnya dia. Masih banyak aspek kepribadian anda yg perlu diselami, Bung. = her patience is quite deep, plus how oh how dilligent she is. there r still many aspects of your personality that i gotta find out.

Hmm....perhaps she's the human version of Grey the alien.....ooh yeah...Welcome to Jakarta, mate... -----> just like what i heard many times from people in the same shoes as me ... i am like an alien in my own country -__-;;

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 10, 2005

sexy commando sugoi yo MASARU san! : GET!!!

i really gotta thanks my manhattanite buddies for introducing this super duper screwed up .... messed up .... with-super-weird-sense-of-humor anime series (look at the above!) ... i seriously cannot begin to describe how *strange* this anime is .... and btw strange is a MAJOR understatement (i can see sun and bossu nodding on the background hehe)!

after seeing this ... i am a changed person! i am so proud for being a fan of this show ... since NO ONE heard of it that is why hahaha! this anime i heard supposedly has attracted many underground fans ... therefore i wouldnt know if this series has been aired on TV before >_< ... but anyway .... i highly *HIGHLY* recommend this show! for those who have never seen comedic anime ... then u MUST watch this!

i can proudly say that i have officially *infected* someone on this land of indonesia with the masaru san virus!! she just couldnt get enough of it huaha ha ha ha aha!!! ceci ceci ... tolong kasih tau ya pendapatmu ttg seri ini sejauh ini .... i wanna hear it girl XD XD!!! o dan juga character kesukaanmu siapa dan sebabnya kenapa .... masaru san, fuumin, machahiko, kyasharin, susan fumiko tanaka, moe moe ato yg laen2nya :P!

have 1 question for u guys ... was this series originally created by usuta kyosuke?

ps: managed to find these online somewhere and download 31 eps of it .... i was literally in tears afterwards T__T T___T

setting : school gate & the main character FUUMIN --> his real name is fujiyama kun ... no one in this series is ever called by their real names ... all masaru's fault! he originally wanted to nickname fujiyama kun GERASHUBO (a vomit sucker) but fujiyama kun (unwillingly) picked FUUMIN >_<

warning at the beginning of each episode .... by the director's father ... director: daichi akitaroh

this director likes to spoof off his own past created animes ... this one was one example

masaru san's desk

masaru san in his get up ... under shirt with his alien rings on his shoulders -__-;;

fuumin ... a beard maniac?

from left to right: moe moe, this dude, fuumin, masaru, machahiko, kyasharin (catherine), torepan sensei (mr. training pants) ... on the background: susan fumiko tanaka (wakame high's principal)

the awesome random ukulele lessons in the middle of ... this kind of scene (running out of words! yowanaito konai -__-;;)

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

shirley chan ---> sari chan

remember sugihara san?? for some reason she has been having trouble pronouncing my name ... therefore she decided to call me by this girl witch character from an old anime ... and her name is sari chan .... she is the girl with the poofy brown hair on the front riding her broom ....

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, April 07, 2005

a break from work!


last week i was introduced to a 40-year old japanese (NO NOT A MAN!!) lady. her name is sugihara haruyo. the reason she was introduced to me by mom's friend was because she wanted to learn how to use photoshop and illustrator. we had our first meeting accompanied by mom and mom's friend, wada san, over a traditional indonesian lunch meal. she was really sweet indeed (and not to mention lady-like too ... the opposite of me haha :P!) ... during lunch it was decided that i was to come over to her apartment to teach her how to use the illustrator 10 & photoshop 7 on her laptop (with no tablet mind u). well not just THAT ... we were also willing to exchange our knowldege in our own language ... she in japanese and me in english and some indonesian O_O.

thought it would be weird teaching someone ... this would be my first experience but alas!

today rise and shine ... i arrived at her apartment at 10 am as promised. she waited for me at the lobby. was stuck in the morning traffic as usual, but i was surprised i got there on time. but anyway ... was brought into her apartment. we had tea and some snacks first. she showed me a golf magazine for my project but soon was distracted by the fact that she was very interested in seeing my website, the entire content O_O. we pretty much spent the next few hours discussing my stuff, i was surprised how flattered she was by my site. afterwards she was even more excited to learn photoshop and illustrator.

during this little 'lesson' she kept insisting in paying me with some money, but i insisted that it was not necessary. so instead she would give me japanese goods (anything at all), so today i got a bunch of japanese women's fashion magazine & some food from japan (cereal, candy & chocolate). then she took me to lunch to this japanese restaurant named basara ... never been there before, but seeing how many japanese people were inside there eating ... i could immediately identify this restaurant as an authentic japanese restaurant! over here there r so many unauthentic japanese restaurants ... actually wait ... not just japanese but any other restaurants -___-;; she paid for lunch & then we jet off to kinokuniya in plaza senayan (one of the nicest malls in the city ... and i dont even enjoy going to malls yuck haha >_<)

anyway ... we departed as soon as dad picked me up to go home ... she was really thankful that i was there for the entire day to accompany her. it had been a great experience indeed ... communicating in indonesian, english and japanese at once to each other ... like we could use japanese, english and indonesian words in ONE sentence haha :P

... so since i ended up not teaching too much of the computer programs yet ... she was willing to come to my house next thursday afternoon to see how i operate those programs. at least i will have an easier time since i will have my tablet. so this is it for now peeps and enjoy enjoy!


what else?? oh and what were these pictures below for u guys were wondering?

the first pic : me with my indo old high school friends, olivia and felix (my prom date :P) ---> from the past saturday

the second pic : was in the bathroom ... ready to jump into the shower (with no coverage on me whatsoever :P) ... but as soon as i spotted the awesome sky outside the window i just couldnt miss out on it ... so i sprinted out to the next room, grabbed my digicam ... and there u have it folks! i was in awe when i saw how gorgeous the sky was! now i understand what it means when people said, "inspirations are everywhere!"

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


hey hey hey y'all!

just wanna let u know that perhaps until mid may i will be burried with work ... YES work! it is not that i havent been busy myself nowadays but until may i will be even more busier @_@

WHY u may ask?

... because my freakin' discount golf magazine desin project is aimed to be printed on mid april. FINALLY! that little twirp ... he should've done this a looong time ago :P .... the never-ending project is *finally* (hopefully) gonna end ... so that me & everyone else involved can go on with their little lives & agendas .... i will cross my fingers really REALLY hard that he will NOT postpone the deadline NO MORE! i have had enough with the waiting heheh!

sorry for being bitter all of a sudden ....

anyway .... as far as updates on my blog ... unless i am really really sick of working ... may direct myself onto my desk to write/draw O_O ... well u get my drift? u guys r probably tired of hearing about this but life just takes its toll on me T_T

my illustrations! my website redesigning chores! my portfolio updates! here i cooome XD XD XD!!!! i can finally get my life back after this st*pid project!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 03, 2005

friday's chicken scratch -__-;;

a few days ago i was waiting for my client at a print shop ...
so out of boredom ... just decided to do some rough sketches & doodles -__-;;

dont know if u can read the chicken scratch i wrote quickly while being dictated by client on what to do and stuff!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com