highlights of last night?
oh and they were girls!
- made 3 more US grad indo friends after being invited into a little hangout with my mom's friend's brother's business partner's daughter who also graduated from US. without me knowing ... i got invited to hang out at a hooka (is this the correct way to spell the word??) bar >.<. and ever since i set foot here i NEVER knew such a place exists!!! oh i am so excited ... had my 1st strawberry hooka in .... FREAKIN' 3-4 years @_@!!!
it was the 5 of us ... 3 gals and 2 dudes!
one more thing ... when i saw one of the guys .... i was baffled by his resemblance with one of my virtual friends whom i met via ebay years ago. just saw his picture that is all. my virtual friend's name is andrew & obviously this guy's name .... is NOT andrew. but ... i was still shocked by how those 2 look like >.<. and yes i am an observant person :P!
went to a club & the club was such a joke ... and what is with jakarta people? i dont know if this is just for this club .... but last night we saw the dance floor empty most of the time ... instead them high-schoolers and their super super chicken-skinny girl companions just doing their thing at the bar or at their own table, hideout or wherever else they were at -___-;;;
oh one of the guys got me & others a shot of semi-orgasm.
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