blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Saturday, April 30, 2005

highlights of last night?

- made friends with 2 random US grad indo peeps at a japanese restaurant. how?? just came up & chat with them after overhearing their *loud* american accented conversation next to our dinner table! i told them how i am in desperate need to meet more US originated indo people and they were just shocked haha ... at least they were excited to meet up with me again!

oh and they were girls!

- made 3 more US grad indo friends after being invited into a little hangout with my mom's friend's brother's business partner's daughter who also graduated from US. without me knowing ... i got invited to hang out at a hooka (is this the correct way to spell the word??) bar >.<. and ever since i set foot here i NEVER knew such a place exists!!! oh i am so excited ... had my 1st strawberry hooka in .... FREAKIN' 3-4 years @_@!!!

it was the 5 of us ... 3 gals and 2 dudes!

one more thing ... when i saw one of the guys .... i was baffled by his resemblance with one of my virtual friends whom i met via ebay years ago. just saw his picture that is all. my virtual friend's name is andrew & obviously this guy's name .... is NOT andrew. but ... i was still shocked by how those 2 look like >.<. and yes i am an observant person :P!

went to a club & the club was such a joke ... and what is with jakarta people? i dont know if this is just for this club .... but last night we saw the dance floor empty most of the time ... instead them high-schoolers and their super super chicken-skinny girl companions just doing their thing at the bar or at their own table, hideout or wherever else they were at -___-;;;

oh one of the guys got me & others a shot of semi-orgasm.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"it was the 5 of us ... 3 gals and 2 dudes!"

Sounds exhausting. Hope you ate plenty of oysters, beforehand.

4/30/2005 1:17 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

uuh -__-;;
why oysters? as aphrodisiacs :P? or is there another hidden message u r trying to tell here he he heh?? how does oysters relate to our circumstance?

4/30/2005 7:55 PM  
Blogger nefretiri said...

yeah babyyy love that little orgy gathering we had last night... and a supposed screaming orgasm that turned out only to be... uh... semi? LOLOLOL~

5/01/2005 12:57 AM  
Blogger nefretiri said...

oh btw didnt you say you have a website...? and another blog??? GIMME!!!! XDDDDDD

5/01/2005 1:04 AM  
Blogger S Y S said...

damn nefretiri hold your horses haha!!
thank u thank u for visiting my humble blog XD!! this is definitely a lot more plain compared to your oh-so-colorful takky shrine/hive!!

yeah yeah ... too bad it was a semi ... dont know what will happen if we went all out .... we couldve passed out until the morning hours O_O??

yes i have a website ... www.mini-sys.com .... feel free to leave comments in my guestbook (g*book) ok ^__^? cant wait to see u there ^^

as far as the other blog ... it has the same content as this one ... that other blog is specifically geared towards indo people who cant comprehend english too well ... yet i still wrote everything in english there heheh -__-;; ... yeah let them suffer!!!

5/01/2005 9:39 AM  
Blogger S Y S said...

btw if possible ... i will also add more doodles here for u all to enjoy hehe ... perhaps some nudies too :P :P :P???

5/01/2005 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"perhaps some nudies too"

Well, flypr0n*cough*--uh, I mean, flyPUP has the corner on that market, so you might wanna watch your step. Wouldn't want to end up as her rival or anything, do you? Those things always end messily.

5/01/2005 2:18 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

alright alright i will cross out nudies on my list then!!

do u think just random doodles will do?? but if u feel that is *still* a bad idea (so i wont be sending out war vibes towards her >_<) ... then i will just forget about the whole doodles posting up idea @_@

so this one can may as well just be filled with writings :P ... what do u say? good idea??

5/01/2005 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U sure that guy from Ebay is not the same as the guy you just met?? I meant, you never knew that the guy from Ebay uses the real name and all.. Btw, CROSS OUT THE NUDIES??? BAD!! BAD!! BAD GIRL!!! NO NUDIES, NO JT! JT LOVES NUDIES!!! LET'S ALL GET NUDE!!!! Oh wait.. I am nude...

5/06/2005 8:12 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

jt ... i know this dude ... he has shown me his picture and website too. but again u have a point ... but somehow i believe that he is who he is .... he is a canadian born chinese named andrew hou.

5/07/2005 1:08 AM  
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