blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Saturday, April 16, 2005

mmmBEST friendster testimonial!


some of these r written in english and indo as u noticed.
i will translate the indo parts ... and after comprehending this,
you can let me know if i were anywhere near this person's description.
this is written by my recently-added sugoi yo masaru san follower!
she was kind enough to write her brutally honest opinions on me ...


(just read the italicized ones for english)

Yes yes yes..... Looks can be deceiving.. Shirley, a living proof.....

Tampang boleh feminin, tapi Bung, jangan salah Bung, kejantanannya ngga kalah sama kewanitaan gayanya = she may look feminine but DUDE, u shouldn't judge her too fast! her manly quality can be as overwhelming as her femininity.

Ahem....jenis selera humornyapun unik.... atau ancur ya? = *cough cough* ... her sense of humour ... is it unique ... or just plain f*cked up?

Berapa banyak graduate dari USA yg suka Pos Kota? = how many US graduates r there out there who LOVES reading Pos Kota (the best selling newspaper in indo that mostly covers unnecessary news on petty rapes, murders, infidelities & other petty crimes in a very tasteless cheesy way)?

Sampai bela2in cari Pos Kota di Plaza Indonesia? = until u went the distance to find Pos Kota in Plaza Indonesia (one of the glitzy malls in the city ... the place that most likely will NOT sell this kind of newspaper :P)

Yg rela meng-translate iklan "Pengobatan alternatif Ki Genderuwo, si manusia 1/2 jin" ke bahasa Internasional? = who were willing to translate the ad of 'the alternate medication of ki genderuwo, the half demon person' into the international language?

Yes dudette, you've got style. THE style.

Betapa enaknya diajak bergila ria... = she is truly a great nutcase to have as a company ....

Seleranyapun patut diacungi jempol(mulai dari manga, anime, music, artists, sampai Pos Kota). = her taste is really top notch (from manga, anime, music, artists to Pos Kota ... the said newspaper)

Kesabarannyapun lumayan panjang, plus betapa oh betapa rajinnya dia. Masih banyak aspek kepribadian anda yg perlu diselami, Bung. = her patience is quite deep, plus how oh how dilligent she is. there r still many aspects of your personality that i gotta find out.

Hmm....perhaps she's the human version of Grey the alien.....ooh yeah...Welcome to Jakarta, mate... -----> just like what i heard many times from people in the same shoes as me ... i am like an alien in my own country -__-;;

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. "Patience" and "dilligence", thy name is Sari Susko.

4/17/2005 1:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they have Pos Kota @ PI?? Damn!! What's this city has become??? Pos Kota sucks!!! Lamer (Lampu Merah) rocks!!!! It's easier to read, and more pornographic!! YEAH!!! More of Mak Erot and Pak Erot and all those Erots too!!! Btw, sorry I canceled CC Fair. I was too damn lazy to get up. Hahahahahahaha.. But we're still on for Friday, don't worry 'bout that one!

4/17/2005 9:32 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

to b! : what is that supposed to mean??? trying to be sarcastic here heheh :P? and i just earned myself a new full name ... how sad haha -__-;;

to jt : i still think pos kota is much better ... i just like the way they present their articles better than lamer .... in pos kota ... they tried so hard to sound serious in their articles but they just came out lame, super funny and cheesy ... that is why i dont like lamer too much ... they tried too hard to be funny and at the end ... they kinda went redundant with their efforts ....

anyway ... this is just my opinion hehe ... no sweat ok ... people like different things! ok then see u this friday then ... btw is mei2 gonna join us this friday?

4/17/2005 10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it'll be the original gang from Berkshire.. Hopefully... Anyway, Pos Kota has too much pages to turn while Lamer.. Well, it's Lamer.. Even the language is vulgar. Plus, you can't, I repeat, YOU CAN NOT the news AT ALL. I remembered there was this incident where a guy who's supposed to deliver a car died in the new car. They said he's working for Honda and he died delivering a brand new Toyota Altis. Go figure.. It even has the picture of the dead guy in the car. I own an Altis. I know my Altis. The picture? Totally not Altis. It's a Honda.. Still, it's fun to read. Oh, and if you ever buy both of 'em at the same time, you'll find that 80% of the story is the same one. Except with different presentation. Hahahahahaha.. Btw, that's one funny Bruce Lee runnin' around. I don't see the chickin' though....

4/18/2005 9:13 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

talking about the gift?
the chicken is ... the chicken man haha!! when i saw it i immediately recognized it as a chicken hehe ... maybe it is just me though

4/18/2005 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOhhhhhh!!! So that's the chickin'!! I got it!! Hahahahahaha

4/19/2005 7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna read Pos Kota too.... T-T
i loooooove ms. sari susko! >3<

4/19/2005 9:07 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

to flypup : hahaha the next time i revisit manhattan ... i will be sure to bring u some Pos Kota to enjoy and laugh at!!! i am surprised u r even interested in seeing it ... i really dont know what newspaper in the US can be the equivalent of Pos Kota O__O
ms. sari susko? i definitely have gained myself a new set of full name ... gotta add this to my bio section on my site >__<

4/19/2005 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pos Kota, Pos Kota... why does that sound like a King of Fighters special move?

"PAAAUSE CUTTER!!! Howaaah!!"

4/20/2005 5:30 AM  
Blogger S Y S said...

really?? sounds like a KOF finishing move?? paaause cutteee~~~~r!!
but hmmm ... the way u pronounce is not quite like "pause cutter" though ... it is kinda hard to explain it in writing ... maybe one of these days it better to say it to u in person so u can hear it with your own ears bossu ... via telephone hehe

4/21/2005 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wahaha.. You translate Ki Genderuwo??

Ki Genderuwo
(Old Genderuwo)

The Half-Djinn Man

Specializes in treating:
* Those yet to be rich
* Life failures

Caption: Has once died

4/15/2008 11:25 AM  

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