blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Thursday, March 24, 2005

settling down + breeding = girls' purpose in life??

does the equation above *really* look right??!!
is it really true to life??

well guess it can somehow apply or won’t apply to some of u .... *depending* on which region of the world u r currently living in >__<

in the US .... the free country ... seems like the girls and women have more freedom to live their lives however they want ... especially when it comes to choosing career over marriage (perhaps with little or no people/family members chattering behind their backs on how "abnormal" their daughters, nieces, female cousins, or other female friends are for making the choices they made O_O!) .... BUT apparently in this planet called jakarta (or indonesia) ... the parents (older generations) STILL!! i repeat! STILL strongly believe in the equation above! just thinking about it can make the inside of my guts come out grrraaah!!

here is the event that happened a minute ago that really really ticked me off enough to write this angry angry ANGRY journal. i was looking through my friendster's list and mom out of nowhere saw all 77 of them and wondered who each of them is. there was nothing wrong with that until she said *this* (dont think i can forget this for a long time @_@):

"having many countless friends still won't matter! it is your lifetime partner that counts the most, he is the one who can take care of u for the rest of your life!!"

... a lot of thoughts went through my mind. ANGRY thoughts that made me thought of the truth of the equation above. i know perhaps some of u (or a lot of u) wonder ... what is it with me with going against settling down? is there anything wrong with that??

well here is my answer .... *generally* i have nothing against it. i am just still not ready to settle down yet, NOT NOW! i am still yet to find out how it feels like to be successful and famous. i am not ready to slow down & to give up this lifestyle yet. but apparently my family members think i am a loser for not having a full-time job AND meet new people ... so i can sooner or later SETTLE DOWN AND F*CKIN' BREED! i seriously begin to wonder if these people EVEN realize that there r many other possible ways of life the indo female species can have OTHER than breeding?? they seriously NEED TO wake up and smell the coffee! and if people ask me ... where do i see myself 10 years down the line?? HAH! for sure i will not be rotting away taking care of my kids ....

i just hate people who just keep pushing and pushing me so i can be like everyone else. i'd rather die being different!!

i know mom said what she said half-jokingly, but i still know deep down inside she wants me to quickly settle down and breed her some grandkids. even if she said she didnt mean it ... i know she was not being truthful, because otherwise ... those words would not come out of her mouth in the first place GAH! seriously, she just wants to be like every other mother whose daughters/sons have breeded them grandkids so she could play with them. kids/grandkids = family pride!! DAMN IT!

it is so lame looking at those mall-trotting-cookie-cutter-feminine girls around me. they really make me sick! and there is NOOO way i wanna be like one of them. sorry for the random comment but the reason this thought was brought up is ... because apparently mom wants me to be more feminine like other girls! YUCK YUCK YUCK!

think being in manhattan for almost a decade definitely has changed my point of views, and i am really thankful for that. the big apple has somehow turned me into more of an individualist, and i can feel it flowing in my veins and i dont think it will/can disappear anytime soon. sometimes u need to stay away from your own culture to notice its good qualities and flaws. forgive me for being THIS mad, i feel better that this is out in the air now. i realize this issue can apply to a lot of asian girls/women no matter which part of asia they r in. well let me tell u this! if u r feeling how i am feeling right now, i deeply sympathize with u! and welcome to the club heheh!

can't wait to hear what u all gotta say about this ....

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep2. That's how parents in Indonesia (and most of Asia) are. Umm.. Actually, it's not only valid for female. The pressure is also on for us, male. Not for me though :). It's actually understandable, but then again, I'm kind of a family man meself, looking to settle down and all. Hehehehe.

3/24/2005 8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHHAH..... I get what u mean! Pretty lucky my folks aren't like that (yet?). I've even got a friend whose mom preffered her to settle down and...err..yeah...breed
*shudder* instead of getting a degree. Maaaaann is this the ice age?! But the time will come for u to actually multiply yourself. Not now though.... before success comes knockin' on your door. Love the spirit!!! Ganbatte ne!!!

3/25/2005 12:47 AM  
Blogger S Y S said...

we gotta break the ice age ... gotta knock some senses into these old-school people for god's sake graaah!!!
now is NOT the time to multiply myself yet! wanna taste success 1st before i die at least :P!

3/25/2005 7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with you on this whole heartedly. can't even imagine having a child to settle down before i even acomplished something for MYSELF. like, i haven't even lived for myself yet! why would i want to live for someone else already?

4/06/2005 2:09 AM  
Blogger S Y S said...

hey hey hey sun .... sorry that i didnt realize it earlier that u left a comment on this entry >__<

but i totally agree with u 100% girl!! at this point i dont even care if people scrutinize me for being selfish ... but i really gotta live for myself 1st before tying the knot -__-;;

*shaking in anger & disgust*

4/06/2005 11:44 PM  
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