blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Sunday, July 10, 2005

for those of u ....

who have met me (once, twice, many times ... doesnt matter) or known me ... please give me your honest HONEST opinion. it will be greatly appreciated ^^.

do i look like a goodie-two-shoe? and do i act like a goodie-two-shoe?

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you like a goodie two shoes? Yes. Do you act like a goodie two shoes? Hmmmm.... For those of you who first met you, they will probably think so. But I don't think you're a goodie two shoes. Three shoes maybe, but not definitely a two. Hahahaha.. Why did you ask this question? There's nothing wrong with being a goodie two shoes.

7/15/2005 9:20 PM  
Blogger S Y S said...

what is wrong with looking like a goodie-two-shoe??

i can give u the answer to that haha ... i have been introduced (or maybe more like matchmade) to THE WRONG kind of people O____O!!!!!! just wrong with a capital W haha!!!

7/18/2005 10:34 AM  
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