sexy commando sugoi yo MASARU san! : GET!!!
i really gotta thanks my manhattanite buddies for introducing this super duper screwed up .... messed up .... with-super-weird-sense-of-humor anime series (look at the above!) ... i seriously cannot begin to describe how *strange* this anime is .... and btw strange is a MAJOR understatement (i can see sun and bossu nodding on the background hehe)!
after seeing this ... i am a changed person! i am so proud for being a fan of this show ... since NO ONE heard of it that is why hahaha! this anime i heard supposedly has attracted many underground fans ... therefore i wouldnt know if this series has been aired on TV before >_< ... but anyway .... i highly *HIGHLY* recommend this show! for those who have never seen comedic anime ... then u MUST watch this!
i can proudly say that i have officially *infected* someone on this land of indonesia with the masaru san virus!! she just couldnt get enough of it huaha ha ha ha aha!!! ceci ceci ... tolong kasih tau ya pendapatmu ttg seri ini sejauh ini .... i wanna hear it girl XD XD!!! o dan juga character kesukaanmu siapa dan sebabnya kenapa .... masaru san, fuumin, machahiko, kyasharin, susan fumiko tanaka, moe moe ato yg laen2nya :P!
have 1 question for u guys ... was this series originally created by usuta kyosuke?
ps: managed to find these online somewhere and download 31 eps of it .... i was literally in tears afterwards T__T T___T

setting : school gate & the main character FUUMIN --> his real name is fujiyama kun ... no one in this series is ever called by their real names ... all masaru's fault! he originally wanted to nickname fujiyama kun GERASHUBO (a vomit sucker) but fujiyama kun (unwillingly) picked FUUMIN >_<

warning at the beginning of each episode .... by the director's father ... director: daichi akitaroh

this director likes to spoof off his own past created animes ... this one was one example

masaru san's desk

masaru san in his get up ... under shirt with his alien rings on his shoulders -__-;;

fuumin ... a beard maniac?

from left to right: moe moe, this dude, fuumin, masaru, machahiko, kyasharin (catherine), torepan sensei (mr. training pants) ... on the background: susan fumiko tanaka (wakame high's principal)

the awesome random ukulele lessons in the middle of ... this kind of scene (running out of words! yowanaito konai -__-;;)
web :
blog :
after seeing this ... i am a changed person! i am so proud for being a fan of this show ... since NO ONE heard of it that is why hahaha! this anime i heard supposedly has attracted many underground fans ... therefore i wouldnt know if this series has been aired on TV before >_< ... but anyway .... i highly *HIGHLY* recommend this show! for those who have never seen comedic anime ... then u MUST watch this!
i can proudly say that i have officially *infected* someone on this land of indonesia with the masaru san virus!! she just couldnt get enough of it huaha ha ha ha aha!!! ceci ceci ... tolong kasih tau ya pendapatmu ttg seri ini sejauh ini .... i wanna hear it girl XD XD!!! o dan juga character kesukaanmu siapa dan sebabnya kenapa .... masaru san, fuumin, machahiko, kyasharin, susan fumiko tanaka, moe moe ato yg laen2nya :P!
have 1 question for u guys ... was this series originally created by usuta kyosuke?
ps: managed to find these online somewhere and download 31 eps of it .... i was literally in tears afterwards T__T T___T
setting : school gate & the main character FUUMIN --> his real name is fujiyama kun ... no one in this series is ever called by their real names ... all masaru's fault! he originally wanted to nickname fujiyama kun GERASHUBO (a vomit sucker) but fujiyama kun (unwillingly) picked FUUMIN >_<
warning at the beginning of each episode .... by the director's father ... director: daichi akitaroh
this director likes to spoof off his own past created animes ... this one was one example
masaru san's desk
masaru san in his get up ... under shirt with his alien rings on his shoulders -__-;;
fuumin ... a beard maniac?
from left to right: moe moe, this dude, fuumin, masaru, machahiko, kyasharin (catherine), torepan sensei (mr. training pants) ... on the background: susan fumiko tanaka (wakame high's principal)
the awesome random ukulele lessons in the middle of ... this kind of scene (running out of words! yowanaito konai -__-;;)
web :
blog :
It wasn't clear from the pictures.. But I'm interested to see more of it.. Damn man.. And animation that's whacked??? I LOVE IT!!!! Inachu Ping Pong Club, Colorful, etc. etc.... I'm open to it!! GO ANIME!!!!! I'm an OTAKU AND I'M PROUD OF IT!!!!
Anuuu.... commando....a...a.....a....ancuuuuuuurrrrrrr banget. Betapa senangnya aku ada anime seancur itu di dunia ini...(Gw rasa pasti masih ada anime2 uancurrr lainnya yg belum terkuak). waktu km bilang gambarnya animenya ga terlalu bagus, gw ga terlalu percaya soalnya setau gw dari cover2 manga2nya Usuta Kyousuke, illustrationnya bagus2 walaupun ancur2. Tp kenyataannya animenya exactly seperti yg km bilang walaupun ga seancur gw bayangin, but hey....kenyataan ga selalu sama dengan imajinasi....*geleng2 kepala* Buseeeettt daaaaaaaaahhhhh. Perasaan pas nonton banyak kata-kata *Wha...wha...wha....what the* yg bertaburan di benak gw... Pokonya 8 thumbs up deh(pinjam jempol km juga)!!! Karakter kesukaan? GAH! Gw jg bingung! Siapapun yg ancur deh... Thanks heaps buat 'racunnya'! ya Tuhan.... goyang ala ayamnya itu lho.... ya ampuuuunnn......
to jt:
fu fu fu *evil laugh* ... i cannot wait to POISON you with masaru san huohoho! the next time i see u i can give u the first 10 episodes ... if u like it i can give u more later hehe. inachu ping pong club? aku udah pernah nonton sih the 1st 2 eps or so ... it was funny and crazy but not enough to interest me somehow T_T ... sorry jt. yes being a geek is awesome indeed hahaha!
to c-c:
huahahahah ceciiiii huahaaaa~~~~
*with dark background*
ternyata lo bener ... masaru san creatornya usuta kyosuke. lo ada manganya dia? manga dia bisa dibeli di mana?? hoahaha ... udah tau episode mana yg lo paling suka? this is definitely THE "what the fuck" series ... it can shock u at the most unexpected times. that is why this has become one of my all-time favorites. the humour is awesome. have u told a soul about this series yet? cant wait to hear what u gotta say about the rest of the series :P. goyang ala ayamnya ya .... cleanup princess!! glad u like my racun :P :P!! i cant wait to see more fucked up animes like this ... if u spot any ... please please please tell me ok??
2015-7-14 xiaozhengm
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