blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

*the* ussop scene : one piece #24

in the link below i uploaded the scanned pages of the scene that really cracked me up & caught me off-guard while reading it. dont think it matters if i dont give u the background to the story ... but what happen in these pages is that luffy's crew & ship was in deep danger (and utter shock!!) because of a giant shipwreck falling out of the SKY!!

anyway .... in the 1st page in the link ... pay attention to what ussop did and said in panel #6 &7 ... then in the page below is ... well obviously panel 8 ... and ... well tell me what u think?? i think it was a funny sequence ... many many props to oda sensei XD XD!!


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blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 24, 2005

facial trip & bread-and-jam

the other day i went to my face doctor (is that the right term haha??) ... since she spotted many many unusually large pores on my face ... so she recommended me undergoing this treatment .... that turned me into a bread-and-jam!! basically she put this blue-gooey-jam-like thing on my face (it is COLD TOO!) and she left it there for 15 minutes .... she even used a spatula to spread the gel on my face ... just like how u spread the jam on a bread >_<

she put so much of it on my face until some of them got into my mouth ... AND IT TASTED SWEET O_O!!!

this reminds me of this story me and my crazy friend had back in manhattan ... my friend asked me to help her use this natural delapitory gel called NAD'S on her ... under arm -____-;;; ... but anyway that is not the point! the point is that in the infomercial for NAD'S .... it was so so funny how they mentioned that the product made from natural products is safe to be eaten!! out of nowhere we decided to taste it .... and it DID taste sweet like honey O__O!

haha thought this NAD's thing and the jam ... oh oops gel on my face tasted the same @___@ @___@

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blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

settling down + breeding = girls' purpose in life??

does the equation above *really* look right??!!
is it really true to life??

well guess it can somehow apply or won’t apply to some of u .... *depending* on which region of the world u r currently living in >__<

in the US .... the free country ... seems like the girls and women have more freedom to live their lives however they want ... especially when it comes to choosing career over marriage (perhaps with little or no people/family members chattering behind their backs on how "abnormal" their daughters, nieces, female cousins, or other female friends are for making the choices they made O_O!) .... BUT apparently in this planet called jakarta (or indonesia) ... the parents (older generations) STILL!! i repeat! STILL strongly believe in the equation above! just thinking about it can make the inside of my guts come out grrraaah!!

here is the event that happened a minute ago that really really ticked me off enough to write this angry angry ANGRY journal. i was looking through my friendster's list and mom out of nowhere saw all 77 of them and wondered who each of them is. there was nothing wrong with that until she said *this* (dont think i can forget this for a long time @_@):

"having many countless friends still won't matter! it is your lifetime partner that counts the most, he is the one who can take care of u for the rest of your life!!"

... a lot of thoughts went through my mind. ANGRY thoughts that made me thought of the truth of the equation above. i know perhaps some of u (or a lot of u) wonder ... what is it with me with going against settling down? is there anything wrong with that??

well here is my answer .... *generally* i have nothing against it. i am just still not ready to settle down yet, NOT NOW! i am still yet to find out how it feels like to be successful and famous. i am not ready to slow down & to give up this lifestyle yet. but apparently my family members think i am a loser for not having a full-time job AND meet new people ... so i can sooner or later SETTLE DOWN AND F*CKIN' BREED! i seriously begin to wonder if these people EVEN realize that there r many other possible ways of life the indo female species can have OTHER than breeding?? they seriously NEED TO wake up and smell the coffee! and if people ask me ... where do i see myself 10 years down the line?? HAH! for sure i will not be rotting away taking care of my kids ....

i just hate people who just keep pushing and pushing me so i can be like everyone else. i'd rather die being different!!

i know mom said what she said half-jokingly, but i still know deep down inside she wants me to quickly settle down and breed her some grandkids. even if she said she didnt mean it ... i know she was not being truthful, because otherwise ... those words would not come out of her mouth in the first place GAH! seriously, she just wants to be like every other mother whose daughters/sons have breeded them grandkids so she could play with them. kids/grandkids = family pride!! DAMN IT!

it is so lame looking at those mall-trotting-cookie-cutter-feminine girls around me. they really make me sick! and there is NOOO way i wanna be like one of them. sorry for the random comment but the reason this thought was brought up is ... because apparently mom wants me to be more feminine like other girls! YUCK YUCK YUCK!

think being in manhattan for almost a decade definitely has changed my point of views, and i am really thankful for that. the big apple has somehow turned me into more of an individualist, and i can feel it flowing in my veins and i dont think it will/can disappear anytime soon. sometimes u need to stay away from your own culture to notice its good qualities and flaws. forgive me for being THIS mad, i feel better that this is out in the air now. i realize this issue can apply to a lot of asian girls/women no matter which part of asia they r in. well let me tell u this! if u r feeling how i am feeling right now, i deeply sympathize with u! and welcome to the club heheh!

can't wait to hear what u all gotta say about this ....

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

the 3 joys in life ...

today i went to a cooking lesson with mom and grandma .... and one of the things we were shown on how to make was .... how to make chocolates! tiramisu, choco molding, choco modelling and others ..... and the chef said that there r 3 things u enjoy the most in life:

1. to able to scratch yourself
2. to be able to sneeze
3. chocolate @_@

well now that i think about it ... there is SOME truth to this ... but maybe not all of u agree with the chef .... personally i am not that crazy about chocolate ... but at the least i can agree with the first 2 things heheh .... what do u think peeps? do u have your own version of 3 of the most enjoyable things in life??

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

music recommendation quiz!

here u go ...

i scored as ... indie!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

how pure r u O__O?

take this test and u shall find out for yourself O__O O____O

u will be surprised! dont think i will ever have the guts to tell u my result ..... *blushing*

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Monday, March 21, 2005

mandy fujiko amano : caucasian + japanese hybrid

does anybody know this girl?
heard that she was the pepsi girl ad and her commercial was played in this year's super bowl?? she is cute ^^ ... for my taste ... i know a lot of those who still prefer kelly hu or kristen kreuk ... but it is all good .... after all world is like an ice cream shop!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 20, 2005

the world is our farm?!

below is an interesting provocative conversation my friend had with his ...

[10:58] Krystal: " Love is a cruel trick that God plays on people to get them to reproduce"
[10:58] lfespock: HAHAHAHAH
[10:58] lfespock: whered you get that?????
[10:59] Krystal: don't make fun of me but..........
[10:59] Krystal: zena warrior princess
[10:59] Krystal: it always made so much sense to me

.... well nuff said ... it made so much sense .....

not just necessarily about the love but just the concept of breeding alone can sometimes bother me O_O! breeding can simply remind me of ... farms! we r like breeds of cows, chickens, sheep, etc in a farm and sooner or later on our own we r to find our own mate in this big-ass farm called WORLD to breed more! we might as well have some kind of human plantations like one of those in 'the matrix' to less complicate the whole process!

as there r more and more and more weddings popping left and right in jakarta ... going to a lot of them is SUCH A PAIN! not to mention weddings cause a loooot of traffic too ... unnecessary traffic O_O!! nowadays i have been wondering if it is really REALLY that necessary for people to celebrate their weddings ... i mean COME ON! EVERYBODY knows the reason people r getting married and what they r gonna do AFTER the wedding receptions ... so get off their backs already!! i mean now that u think about it .... wedding is just a fancy (and a lot of times a huge waste of money) celebration of 2 people who will sooner or later f**k each other's head off to breed more for the entire human race ... therefore making the planet earth more crowded @_@

HECK!! those couples might as well just show up NAKED to their receptions, put their wedding beds on stage and just GET IT ON in front of everyone!!!

what do u think peeps? phew i am so glad i have this thought outta my head now ... i have had this thought inside me for the longest time but now it is out in the air .... *a biiig sigh of relief*

p.s.: sorry but no offense to those who r gonna get married ... i was just speaking my mind out! sorry if a few of u found this entry rude, offensive & stupid!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 19, 2005

feeling revived 100%??

well if u ask me ... to tell u the truth .... i am not sure O_O!

have u ever had this feeling?? u have been sick in bed for a long enough time until u couldnt do jack sh*t for the entire week .... and now that u have felt better (not 100%) but have enough energy to go back to your routines .... u just felt something (or a lot of things) is out of place??

that is how i am feeling right now .... that entire week of me getting sick had turned me into a zombie it sucked!!! i feel wrong going back to work .... i feel wrong doing what i am normally doing .... i even feel wrong for eating, going out, drawing, etc .... MAN i am helpless it sucks big time!!!

can someone help me out of this black hole O_O O____O??!! i want things to go back to normal but i cant ... or time just somehow refuses to let me get back on my feet! what the hell is wrooo~~~ng???!!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 13, 2005

where have i disappeared to?

been knocked out in bed for close to a week now T___T
been coming down with a nasty fever and flu!!
cough .... headache .... cold .... sore throat ... i am having a ball! NOT!!!

been sleeping 24/7 ... i cant tell anymore if i got my headache from sleeping too much, coughing too much, or just feeling too hungry (when u r sick u just lost the appetite to eat >_<) ... even today i still havent recovered 100% ... oh when will i ever ever get better *sob sob*???

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 10, 2005

terry bogard on ..... @_@

my engrish of the day :P

commentary : This just urines me off ...

commentary : Flashing doesn't give me much time...

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

my buy of the day!

it is a ONE PIECE hanger XD XD!!! it came with different images on the hangers and in each box a random hanger is put in it ... and DANG i wanted sanji's but instead ... i got luffy >__< ... sanji is hard to look for T__T ... my sanjiiiii~~~ >__<

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 05, 2005

my happiest day in march 2005!

why is that??
because heheh ..... on my desk has landed a package from the US and the content of it ... i immediately opened it and guess what i found??

*angelic choir ringing on the background*

it is my parakiss mangas & my GOLDEN GIRLS DVD!! i have been waiting for that dvd to get to me for the longest time .... HECK! even seeing golden girls available on dvd for the 1st time on the net was enough to kill me ... but finally the 3 disc-set 1st complete season dvd of my all-time favorite series has arrived in my hands safely!! thank u thank u chris chan for your kindness *hug hug hug*

i poppped the 1st dvd in ... and seeing all the episodes brought back memories when i was still back in college in manhattan, nyc .... i really really enjoyed it thoroughly ... i have been parted with golden girls for 2 years now and now i couldn't imagine how i could've survived 2 freakin' years here in indo *without* golden girls O_O!

anyway nuff of my babbles ... dont wanna bore u to death! so my mood is really really good now ... oh jen i wish i could go back in time and rewatch golden girls together again in lifetime channel ... the channel for women that is full of cheesy women-degrading shows ... luckily golden girls was NOT one of those shows >_< ... golden girls was aired everyday from 6-7 pm and 11-12 am!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Friday, March 04, 2005

the professional fiancee

Suddenly I got reminded of an article I read in a magazine in Jakarta. Was waiting for mom to pick me up, and there was nothing else to do to pass the time. The article was designed to give tips about metropolitan dating, though I think that term is very dodgy. The reporter interviewed a guy who had been given the nickname "Mr. P.F.", where P.F. stands for Professional Fiancee, since he had been engaged three times, and all 3 failed. Parts of the interview was something like this:

R: What do you think about giving gifts like CD, say, your own compilation of songs?
PF: No. Do you realise that it's against copyright to make your own compilation CD? If you want to give CD, find a 2nd hand CD, it's cheaper. And find something easy to listen to, like jazz compilation or such, so it'd be up to her how she wants to interpret the CD. Let her interpret the CD as she wishes, and play along with it.
R: How about going out to dinner?
PF: Offer her to go to dinner, but let her pick the place. This way she'd feel obliged to pay half the bill.
R: How about jewelry, like rings?
PF: If you're going to give rings, find one with a model that's good enough to withstand the trend and will never be outdated. So if things fall apart and she returns the ring to you, you can use it for the next girl.

..............my opinion is...... there's calculating, and then there's shamelessness.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

chris chan's business trip goodies

these r links given to me by my dear friend, chris chan ^__^.
she was kind enough to show me aaall her pix from her recent business trip in semarang (indonesia), china and hong kong. lucky her ... got to travel all over to check on her company's sister companies all over the worls >_<. so enjoy enjoy everyone ....

too bad she couldnt get outta that airport to spend time with me in jakarta T_T

picture links

video from shenzen, china

video from hong kong

duh ... liat foto dia jadi pengen makan bakpia patok nih hehe XD!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

hail to MSN free phone!! and lizards?

FREE PHONE FREE PHONE!! how can i forget to post this great news up?? silly me!

this past sunday i was on msn chatting with my beloved friend Sun from the far away land of the US ... perhaps getting tired of typing .... she asked me if i could do audio conversation via msn .... i said if i wanted to do that i gotta use the PC located right next to my Apple computer ... haha it is funny how this little room (that was used to be a storage room) somehow turned into a big time internet cafe .... with BOTH systems of computer available XD ....

this is my friend Sun's korean blog

anyway back to the audio thing ... so i started tweaking with the mike on the PC ... the first few minutes i could hear her voice but she couldnt hear me >_< ... but after some more tweaking .... HALLELUIAH it worked!! it worked and we both were sooo happy ... we could actually hear each other's voice ... this is great ... it was like a free international call it was unbelievable! and we had the longest conversation we have ever had in a long time ... it lasted like 2 hours+ .... we talked, and talked and talked ... and drew on the msn window ... too bad there is no tablet on our PC >_< ... nonetheless we had a ball with each other!

hail to msn!! too bad Apple's msn couldnt do this yet ...


this song has been stuck in my head since yesterday ... it was actually a traditional indonesian's children's song (in the US it is probably equal to 'itsy bitsy spider')

cicak cicak di dinding = oh dear dear lizards on the wall
diam diam berayap = quietly crawling
datang seekor nyamuk = there comes a mosquito
HAP! = CHOMP! (is this the correct sound effect for munching on something haha -__-;;?)
lalu ditangkap ... = then it was captured ...

running music on the background: various naruto theme songs!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

how much eating can a person take?

this is all my mom's guests fault!!

seriously .... ever since last month we have been visited by guests NON STOP!! even until this day ... our house has officially been turned into a hotel .... and knowing jakarta as the home to manymanymanymany places to eat ... my mom has to entertain them by going to more and more restaurants and malls, etc .... *seriously* i am beginning to think that the only legit entertainment everyone enjoys here is restaurant and mall hopping!! it is SO MONOTONE it sickens me at times BLEH!!

compared to my old lifestyle in manhattan ... this can be compared to cities in the US like virginia, dc, boston, and other not-so-colorful cities >_<

oh i could just cry ... and because of all these daily thanksgiving-size meals ... i am very very afraid to step on the scale ... i have a feeling i have gained some weight already since december *sob sob*!!

running music on the background: azumanga daioh ost XD

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com