.... another routine that requires me to get up so damn early so i can make it to my japanese student's apartment by 10 am
yeah u got it! another computer/english teaching session! i have also been learning some japanese from her ... this has been a good language learning experience for both the student and teacher heheh!
to make this long entry into short ... here r the highlights:
- she took me out to lunch >_< ... but this time she invited her other friend who is also another japanese housewife whose husband is a white dude from australia over to the restaurant ... her name is newton kyoko .... and as u may know that in japanese custom ... a person is usually addressed by her/his last name ... so i said to sugihara san that i should address her NEWTON SAN ... HOWEVER here lies a problem ... in japanese NEWTON will be pronounced NYUUTON! and since the 'n' at the end of the name is somewhat silently pronounced ... therefore the name ends up being pronounced NYUUTO!
in japanese ... nyuuto means ... hmmm how can i say this without causing an uproar -__-;;;?? it means ... women's ch*st / b**bs / t*ts ... and other names used to address this body part >_<
therefore we decided to go by kyoko san!
- kyoko san can speak indonesian, english & OBVIOUSLY japanese ... but her australian husband can also speak some indonesian, english & JAPANESE!! he was an exchange student to indo years ago while he was younger and he has spent time in japan for some time so that is how he picked up his japanese. newton san can also speak some JAVANESE language (JAWA GO in japanese) ... and apparently people here r always amazed by foreigners (especially them whites) who can speak javanese .... why??
to answer your question ... here is how the analogy goes:
in indonesia = indonesian (the national language) = javanese (the other frequently-used dialect on our island JAVA) ....
in japan = japanese with tokyou ben/accent (the national accent ... dont know if i said this right -__-;; but if i were wrong please forgive me!) = kansai ben/accent (the other famous dialect of japan)
see the equivalent??
before moving on to the next highlight ... let me tell u the appearances these 2 japanese ladies have.
sugihara san ... my student ... is quite lady-like.
she is soft-spoken and wears make-up to a minim. she was in a pair of jeans and a sleveless white collared shirt with some frills ... conclusion: she is the womanly type.
kyoko san (a 34 year old who could pass being 20 -__-;;) .... is quite a tomboy.
she is not soft spoken, in fact her voice is low compared to her counterpart. she was in a baseball cap, has 3 piercings on each ear, hair tied up, a baby pink ROXY t-shirt (something them cali beach girls will wear!), jeans and high heels .... conclusion: she is quite the manly type.
- episode 1 ... kyoko san versus newton san : in spoken japanese
as an example: i will use the word 'SUGOI' which means 'COOL' in japanese!
the tomboy kyoko san would say: SUGE!! ---> with the manly speaking manner
newton san would say: SUGOI WA~! ---> with the womanly speaking manner
go figure .... i have never met newton san .... and i am sure he is not gay either -__-;;
how do i end up being a teacher/entertainer for them lonely japanese housewives??
ps : kyoko san somehow reminds me of fusayo ....
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