blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Thursday, June 30, 2005

GEEZ @O@!!!

last night we watched the movie from 10-12 am! and previously i had an-hour tennis session ... it has been a year since the last time i played ... but anyway after tennis i got a little headache ... not too serious so i didnt heed it! but NOT until we started watching the movie. we sat on the G row and unbeknownst to me, right above us were the almighty aircons blowing their mighty chill right unto our heads ... ESPECIALLY my head! it got sooo cold until my not-too-serious headache turned into a huge one. we were watching 'war of the worlds', and i realized there were some gore and bloody (as in blood pools, etc) images in it ... usually these type of images in movies dont really bother me ... but NOT this time around when i had a thousand hammers pounding inside my head! i *nearly* puked but luckily i could still control myself.

after the movie, people said i looked really pale ... and i had to digress from driving everyone home. dont wanna risk anyone's (especially my aunt who is 5-6 months pregnant) lives hey???

t'was my first time! EVER! to feel sick in the middle of a movie inside a movie theater O_O!! it was NOT pretty!! i wonder if the headache started from playing tennis too much after not playing in a long time >.<

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, June 23, 2005

coloring: FLAT vs NON-FLAT

i know this may sound stupid to some of u ... and some of u may even say that i shouldnt care about this ... but this has been bothering me for quite some time now .... so i thought i should bring it up to your attention.


as u guys may have known by now .... my digital coloring methods pretty much fall under the FLAT COLORS category. it has been like that for quite a long time. nowadays i have been trying to figure out how to digicolor things in the more painterly way (and see if it is suitable for me...). but to me, i found it to be quite difficult since i have been so used to using flat colors, or relatively flat colors in my illustrations. though i used to be taught on color theories in oil painting, but if u dont use it often .... u just forget about them >.
after seeing everyone else who r just SO GOOD at coloring in the painterly way, i am beginning to wonder if most people judge your coloring skills ... MOSTLY based on whether u can color your illustration in the painterly way or not. i have heard people say that if u can only color with flat colors, u r pretty much out of the league. but personally, i still think that some flat colored illustrations can convey a lot to the viewers than some painterly-looking work. there is still some beauty to flat-and-graphic-looking work (in this case ... graphic does NOT mean pornography @_@). for example, alphonse mucha.

.... so what do u guys think?? i am really curious to hear what u gotta say. so sorry for the random weird brainpoop >_<

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, June 16, 2005

this really happened!

a lesson to be learned .... we have to securely seal the cereals inside the box .... because if not! then THIS is what happened :P!!! and the image freaked the hell out of me @_@!! gotta trash the entire cereal in the box afterwards ....

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

this morning's weirdfreaky dream

go figure :P

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

today's conclusion

whatever occupations u have, no matter how silly or insignificant they may sound to others, i believe each of them serves a purpose in everyone's lives.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Friday, June 10, 2005

malaysia trip june 2005

interesting pix from my trip to kuala lumpur, capital of malaysia.


interior of the malaysian international airport in kuala lumpur.


this is a billboard ad for a flat screen tv with the brand name WEGA .... written in malay language.
i am not sure if many of u know that the malay and indonesian language has some similarities. both languages came from the same root, but later on each got developed with different pace.

so here is the literal translation of the ad (remember this is written in malay):

sesetengah benda lebih elok rata seperti wega = half of it is prettier when it is flat like wega

tv skrin biasa ternyata tewas oleh wega = regular tv screens actually is dead by wega

i am not saying this to make fun of the malay language, that is NOT my intention at all. i am just writing what i saw.


my bro in his newly-bought BATIK shirt ..... and it is VERY unusual for him to wear batik shirts. the reason being, is that we were to enter a casino on GENTING highland, the mountainous area outside kuala lumpur. and since the men were only allowed to enter with their collared shirts, therefore .... such is my brother's situation.


one of the pics on the casino's billboard. i thought it was so damn funny how they covered the eyes of the winners. and unfortunately, after taking this pic ... i almost got dragged into the security room. but luckily ... i got out of it just fine.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com