blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Monday, February 21, 2005

what does tales of legendia have to do with shirley??

the other day my friend bossu was kind enough to surprise me with something that totally caught me off-guard! he emailed me the website of the rpg video game 'tales of legendia' ... and YES the fact that the character design was done by nakazawa kazuto (one of my favorite character designers) was not that big of a surprise ... until i found out that .... the girl main character (the blond long-haired girl) is named SHIRLEY fennes! i know how unpopular that first name is nowadays (ever since the 70's at least) ... so due to my overloaded happiness ... i decided to use her full name as my msn nickname now! the name has a nice ring to it somehow ^_^

and it is said that the girl has a quite characteristic *sigh of relief* ... thanks bossu for the nice surprise ^^

http://namco-ch.net/talesoflegendia/index.php ---> the official site of the game!

http://the-magicbox.com/0502/game050216a.shtml ---> an english page on the game!


yesterday i was looking through a website full of german baby names .... and from there i have learned where the name SEVERUS snape came from ...

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