blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Saturday, February 19, 2005

proclaiming my love for .... BECK!!

... if u ever wondered what my most recent obsession is .... check thess links out!



i have been following this manga-turned anime series BECK (cant wait to see more of it!!!) .... the series is all about music, band-making, real-life issues, cool dudes & tons and tons of ENGRISH!! the english dialogues were either done by the japanese (minami ryuusuke = the americanized guitarist & maho = his younger sister) and *surprisingly* also westerner cast!! though there were westerners involved ... dont get too excited yet .... because the english dialogues (and the songs' lyrics from the series) r STILL ENGRISH!! i cant help myself laughing at the gramatically-incorrect lines that popped up here and there .... however i shall applaud the director for staying true to the spoken american english mannerism. despite the engrish, u can still definitely tell the american-ness in their lines.

the author .... sakuishi harold ... i can suspect that he is either a hybrid japanese-american or he just knows a lot about the states (from the manhattan-originated ryuusuke and the american music taste) ... u can totally tell how much he DISLIKES the mainstream tear-jerker jpop music & prefers the more old-school choices of music (beatles, led zepellin, the stones, etc).

the reason is 'cause there is just so much culture duality (japanese-american cross culture/culture shock issues) in it ... in a lot of ways i can totally relate myself to some of the characters & their issues XD. the story is so real .... so intriguing with no aliens, spaceships, etc! i am loving this series ... i am even thinking of getting the soundtrack too.

BECK JUST ROCKS MY WORLD!!! anyone ever heard of this series/manga??

u r what u eat, u r what u listen to, u r what u buy, u r what u like!!