blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Sunday, February 27, 2005

cool & interesting stuff for reading!

below is the link to my good friend's blog, Alex Ong. i found some fun crazy stuff to read there, so thought it would be nice to share it with u all.

be sure to check these out (here r some clues!): paris hilton (triple craziness!!), fun list of asian stereotypes & etc! so enjoy enjoy ^_^


web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

chinese new year 2005 greeting card ...

ps: try out the recipe too! it is for REAL! i didnt make it up ... i took it from the lee kum kee website so it is REAL :P!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 26, 2005

constellation 1

as all the planetary movements slowly directed themselves to the east side of the solar sky ... i shall predict that everyone with pisces signs will have one of those days u can just never forget ... for the right reasons ... dont refuse any invitations no matter how unusual .... and u all will have a ball today ^__^!

ps: the red spot on the middle ... between my eyebrows ... that is a mosquito bite >_<;;!

current music running on the background: VIVA ROCK by ORANGE RANGE!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

oooh suuuun XD XD

sun has officially brought sunshine into my life now!! thank u for your positive comments on my present .... u really truly rock my world XD XD XD ... *hugging u*

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

no sun i did NOT forget your birthday!!


the things that have been slowing me down in completing your present is my freakin' golf project & my everyday life ... shall curse my client for this! but just got a good news that he is hiring another designer to help out with my one-woman-show workload @_@!

i have been playing with this for days and now that i finished it today ... for some reason it didnt come out as well as i like it to be T__T T___T

.... so here is to u sun! as u may know i have never seen any gundam seed eps ... the only references i could get r from their official japanese sites (with their ultra small pix -__-;;) ... therefore please forgive me if u notice anything incorrect in athrun or izaac's (how do u spell his name anyway?) faces, hair, uniforms (for some reason i found most mistakes here @_@), etc ... since i noticed a loooo~~t of their fanarts u made ... thought this one could catch u off-guard a little hehe!

GRAAA~~~ please forgive my crappy effort in making u happier this year!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

long live the GREEN BEASTS of KONOHA!

'tis gotta be THE FUNNIEST cosplay pic i have seen in a long time. for those of u who knows the naruto series ... i am sure u know who these 2 r cosplaying as! it is GUY SENSEI & his beloved limping student ROCK LEE!! those 2 r just awesome! this pic really floored me!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

engrish pix of the day

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Monday, February 21, 2005

what does tales of legendia have to do with shirley??

the other day my friend bossu was kind enough to surprise me with something that totally caught me off-guard! he emailed me the website of the rpg video game 'tales of legendia' ... and YES the fact that the character design was done by nakazawa kazuto (one of my favorite character designers) was not that big of a surprise ... until i found out that .... the girl main character (the blond long-haired girl) is named SHIRLEY fennes! i know how unpopular that first name is nowadays (ever since the 70's at least) ... so due to my overloaded happiness ... i decided to use her full name as my msn nickname now! the name has a nice ring to it somehow ^_^

and it is said that the girl has a quite characteristic *sigh of relief* ... thanks bossu for the nice surprise ^^

http://namco-ch.net/talesoflegendia/index.php ---> the official site of the game!

http://the-magicbox.com/0502/game050216a.shtml ---> an english page on the game!


yesterday i was looking through a website full of german baby names .... and from there i have learned where the name SEVERUS snape came from ...

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, February 20, 2005

minami! maho! jyuuyonsai!!

bossu is this the girl u were talking about??

u r what u eat, u r what u listen to, u r what u buy, u r what u like!!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

proclaiming my love for .... BECK!!

... if u ever wondered what my most recent obsession is .... check thess links out!



i have been following this manga-turned anime series BECK (cant wait to see more of it!!!) .... the series is all about music, band-making, real-life issues, cool dudes & tons and tons of ENGRISH!! the english dialogues were either done by the japanese (minami ryuusuke = the americanized guitarist & maho = his younger sister) and *surprisingly* also westerner cast!! though there were westerners involved ... dont get too excited yet .... because the english dialogues (and the songs' lyrics from the series) r STILL ENGRISH!! i cant help myself laughing at the gramatically-incorrect lines that popped up here and there .... however i shall applaud the director for staying true to the spoken american english mannerism. despite the engrish, u can still definitely tell the american-ness in their lines.

the author .... sakuishi harold ... i can suspect that he is either a hybrid japanese-american or he just knows a lot about the states (from the manhattan-originated ryuusuke and the american music taste) ... u can totally tell how much he DISLIKES the mainstream tear-jerker jpop music & prefers the more old-school choices of music (beatles, led zepellin, the stones, etc).

the reason is 'cause there is just so much culture duality (japanese-american cross culture/culture shock issues) in it ... in a lot of ways i can totally relate myself to some of the characters & their issues XD. the story is so real .... so intriguing with no aliens, spaceships, etc! i am loving this series ... i am even thinking of getting the soundtrack too.

BECK JUST ROCKS MY WORLD!!! anyone ever heard of this series/manga??

u r what u eat, u r what u listen to, u r what u buy, u r what u like!!

welcome welcome ^__^

hi everyone .... welcome to my 3rd weblog!

for my old blog's regular visitors ... please make yourself at home in this new blog of mine. everyone else, welcome to my ranting spot! hopefully we get to share a lot of our thoughts in anything ^__^. this is s h i r l e y, OVER!!

u r what u eat, u r what u listen to, u r what u buy, u r what u like!!