blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

My Photo
Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


a 1 meter long sausage we had one night with everyone else.

toilet signs ... at their best!!

saw this sign from the car wnidow, and for a sec i thought it was something that was NOT supposed to be written on any clinic signs. NOT just any clinic but the one where women go to give birth (what do u call that clinic?? my english is slipping out of me >o<)

when i saw this ... i just HAD to take a pic of it. an indo novel cover, how embarrassing T_T

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Friday, July 22, 2005

pics of the day!

my beloved computer ....


..... RIGHT SMACKED between the pc and the laptops on the extra table with the fun blue flower patterned plastic tarp-like material on it -___-;;; ... luckily this table will go once my bro returns to the US >__<
the dude on the foreground: cousin playing warcraft
the dude on the left at the far back: my bro
the dude on the right at the far back: my other cousin
those 3 .... busy with warcraft!! multiplayer mode -__-;;


left dude: my cousin
middle dude: my bro ... looked so into the game. cant stand his investment-banker pose there haha!!
an intelligent conversation they stroke indeed :P
right dude: the other cousin


copyright issue at its worst -____-;;;


... done with drawing pen and copic markers
went for the limited color look!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com


this morning i was falling asleep while i was driving my bro to work ... and *especially* on our way back home. almost ran over a dude crossing the street zzzzzzz!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, July 10, 2005

for those of u ....

who have met me (once, twice, many times ... doesnt matter) or known me ... please give me your honest HONEST opinion. it will be greatly appreciated ^^.

do i look like a goodie-two-shoe? and do i act like a goodie-two-shoe?

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

red eye

feeling a bit dizzy today ... yesterday my eye got hit really hard by the tennis ball ... my right eye has been red since yesterday. hope nothing serious went wrong with it ... after all eyes r everyone's most important assets!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com