blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

june 8-18: away to singapore

It all began with a stupid doctor visit last month. I'd been bloated the week before and no matter what medicine and what I did, the bloat just wouldn't go away. Anyway, went to the doctor. He did a USG check on my stomach, and indeed my stomach was filled with air (maybe the aircon -__-;;), but that is not it. He checked my lower stomach also and he found a 6 cm long cyst attached to one of my ovaries. He said it has been growing there for years and years, thus the humongous cyst. He suggested that I have it removed as soon as possible. If not, I will run the high risk of losing one of my ovaries. I was shocked to hear the news. Remember this doctor was NOT a gynecologist.

So the day after we went to a real gynecologist, ran another check on my ovaries, and he pretty much said the same thing. Later on the cyst may turn into something called endometriosis and he said it also needed to be taken out soon. I don't think you know this but a lot of doctors in Jakarta are known to be the commercialized types, the ones who is MORE eager to cut their patients open for the money >.< Suspecting he might one of *those* doctors, we might need to fly to Singapore to have a double check.

When I am flying there? June 8-18 (let's hope the doctor doesn't require me to extend my stay) ... we have made an appointment with an American doctor based there, BUT her line is FULL until freakin' October O_O. So wish us luck on our journey. Let's hope this thing doesn't pop out on me before our Singapore trip.

Btw, it is very normal for Jakarta people to have doctor's visits all the way in Singapore, it is only 1,5 hour away by airplane.

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blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com


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