blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

SPLASH ACTIVE Website & Online Surveys

(the English translation is at the bottom of this Indonesian entry ^_^)

Halo kalian semua pembaca SPLASH Manga/Maqita Magazine,

Mau kasih tahu saja kalo website SPLASH (dan studio penerbitnya, Seven Blue ArtLand Studio) sudah aktif lho! Kalo sempet mampir-mampir ya ^__^



Apalagi yang baru?? SPLASH sekarang sudah ada FORUM sendiri lho! Semuanya bisa register *GRATIS* dan asyiknya bisa langsung ngobrol-ngobrol/ngalor ngidul tentang apa saja sama semua otak kreatif di balik SPLASH.



Kita akan berterima kasih banget kalau kalian bisa sisain waktu sedikit saja buat isi survey/angket online kita:



Terima kasih banyak atas partisipasi kalian. Komen-komen dan kritik-kritik kalian akan membantu SPLASH banget supaya menjadi makin baik. Terima kasih atas dukungannya untuk SPLASH sejauh ini .....

Loooove and Peace!!!

S Y S: pengarang Sang Sayur =3


Hello hello you all SPLASH Manga/Maqita Magazine readers/mania,

I'd like to let you know that SPLASH (and our studio's, Seven Blue ArtLand Studio) website is up and running for you all to enjoy. Feel free to browse around and check out our goodies ^__^



What else is new?? We even got our own online FORUM! It is free for everyone to register and you can get in touch directly with the creative minds behind SPLASH and just talk your head off about anything.



And I'd highly appreciate it if you guys could set aside a few seconds of your time to fill our online surveys:



Thank you so much for your participation. Your comments/criticism will really help SPLASH to improve. Thanks for your support on SPLASH so far .....

Loooove and Peace!!!

S Y S: the author of Sang Sayur =3

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

banners to take

Above is the banner of my dear friend's, Dr. Vee, awesome and fun blog on her debut maqita/manga named PRAMBANANA. Check it out and you WILL be entertained ^__^!! The blog is in Indonesian, but you can check out its English version at http://english-prambanana.blogspot.com/

Above is the link to the studio where I am affiliated in. Feel free to check it out for updates on our studio and our publication SPLASH A Quarterly Maqita Magazine.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Jalur Distribusi Splash 2

Splash 2 is available at these stores:
- All of Kinokuniya Book Stores, Jakarta
- Machiko Manga School, Kemang, Jakarta
- Saga, Mangga Dua Square Ground Floor, Jakarta
- Toko ABC, Jl Surya Kencana, Bogor
- Zoe, Jl Pager Gunung no 3, Bandung
- Papaya Supermarket, Surabaya
- Soon at Gramedia Bookstores

Note: Sehubungan dengan adanya masalah dalam distribusi, maka kami memberitahukan bahwa untuk sementara ini, Splash edisi 2 belum dapat beredar di toko-toko buku di daerah, selain dari beberapa toko yang telah disebutkan di atas. Sementara ini untuk luar daerah bisa membeli Splash dengan cara pembelian online lewat info AT sevenartland.com atau melalui contact form kami (harap isi subjek dengan “Order Splash 2).

Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini dan akan segera membereskan masalah ini, agar Splash bisa sampai ke tangan para pembaca dengan baik. Terima kasih atas pengertiannya.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com