blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Saturday, December 09, 2006

constellation dec 9, 06

As the tri-star united within the mid-southern part of the Sagittarius constellation, the universe has been kind to those Sagittarians. Lucky stars have been shining upon you! Work is on the upswing, u will have enough cash to splurge .... AND your relationship is booming, or a prospect is heating up! Just bask bask and bask in the glow. As for the non-Sagittarians, just be sure to improve your financial condition, purge all the things u dont need outta your cribs ... and you should never underestimate the healing power of music. Beware of sodas, macaronis and mayonnaise :P!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Friday, December 08, 2006

SANG SAYUR article in SPLASH Vol. 2

For your information, in our second edition ... they have published a one-time special article on me and my story (Sang Sayur). In case you were ever curious about my story and anything related to it, feel free to pick up our second edition for a lookie :P

thanks for your support!

God Bless,

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, December 07, 2006

my most rewarding moment

hello everyone, thanks for stopping by. sorry i have been real bad with updating my blog these days >__<. BUT! i have something to tell u. i should have written this last week but just never got around to doing it. anyway here it is!

i have been teaching my two precious students how to use photoshop cs2 program since three weeks ago. scanning, editing images, putting text onto images, coloring, so on and so forth ... all the basic stuff. all this time i have been worried that i have burned them out with all the details i have taught them, thus discouraging them @__@.

HOWEVER things seemed to be different in this particular class XD XD!!
i was teaching both of them how to color, pick colors, edit colors, pick and custom-make their own brushes and erasers etc. and from then on, it was just sooo great to see their progresses. one student just couldn't stop admiring how amazing the program is, not to mention that u can do digital coloring that ends up looking like any other manual marker pieces. this student was IN AWE big time! the other student was also impressed by the fact that her classmate managed to finish coloring her illustration within one and a half hour ON HER OWN. it was a very rewarding and prideful experience for me indeed hehe, and guess now i know how awesomely rewarding it can be for a teacher to see her students progressing. and remember, this student NEVER used photoshop, computer and tablet before for coloring or anything PERIOD. this particular student was the technologically-challenged type. so it was even MORE rewarding to me. i just LOVE my students ^__^!!

*a long sigh* ..... life is beautiful that way :P

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Saturday, December 02, 2006

mini-sys.com: under construction!

Hello there,
For those of you who are first visitors to this blog, welcome aboard!
This is the blog of S Y S, the author of Sang Sayur ^__^.
You can feel free to read on some of my (sometimes quirky) bits of news.
As you can see, my site www.mini-sys.com is under construction.
I'm so sorry but it should be up and running soon.
So thank you again for writing comments in my entries,
can't wait to hear from you all again!!


Halo halo,
Selamat datang ke blog milik S Y S, si maqinin dari Sang Sayur ^__^.
Silakan mengikuti berita-berita macem-macem yang kadang-kadang
terlihat ...... aneh O__O!
Seperti yang kalian lihat, website saya www.mini-sys.com lagi
under construction. Sori ya tapi akan diusahakan supaya secepatnya aktif
lagi. Terima kasih banyak atas komen-komen untuk entry-entry saya,
saya akan senang sekali kalau kamu tinggalin komen-komen lagi!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com