blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Thursday, July 27, 2006

SPLASH: Majalah Kumpulan Manga Orisinal *Pertama* di Indonesia

(the english version is available at the bottom of the indonesian one)

Terbit 8 Agustus 2006!
Harga Rp. 25,000
Dapatkan di tempat tempat berikut di bawah:
- All of Kinokuniya Book Stores, Jakarta
- Machiko Manga School, Jakarta
- Saga Store Road Level 32, Mangga Dua Square Jakarta
- Cre Asian Craft Mart, Setia Budhi Building
Jl. Setia Budhi no. 42, Bandung
- Papaya Fresh Gallery
Jl. Raya Darmo Permai Selatan no. 3, Surabaya

Atau pesan online melalui info@sevenartland.com.
Tarif ongkos kirim akan diberikan sesuai jauh/dekat
lokasi pembeli.

12 August 2006 - 2-3 pm at Kinokuniya Pondok Indah Mall
19 August 2006 - 2-3 pm at Kinokuniya Plaza Indonesia
26 August 2006 - 2-3 pm at Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan - THE GRAND LAUNCH

Ingin baca manga lokal yang BEDA?
Mau lihat karakter-karakter unik dan
keren tumpah ruah dalam satu buku?

Search no more! Karena kini telah hadir, Splash,
majalah komik empat bulanan, yang dibuat,
disusun, dan disajikan hanya untuk kamu-kamu
para pecinta manga!
Nikmati ragam karya para lulusan
Machiko Manga School Jakarta, ditambah
dengan artikel-artikel menarik dan tentu saja
bonus bookmark dan pin up keren!
Semua bisa kalian dapatkan di SPLASH edisi perdana.
Terbit 8 Agustus 2006.


What’s MaQita and MaQinin : Ingin tahu tentang
kami dan apa yang kami buat? Temukan jawabannya
dalam SPLASH edisi perdana!

MaQita Shou : Kirimkan komik hasil karyamu untuk
dimuat di SPLASH! Simak peraturan dan tata caranya
dalam edisi ini, dan dapatkan hadiah menarik bagi
kamu-kamu yang karyanya berhasil dimuat!


Satosumi Takaguchi’s work : CLASH BABY
Salah satu karya terbaik dari Satosumi Takaguchi,
mangaka Jepang yang sudah terkenal dengan
beberapa manga-nya seperti Hana no Asuka Gumi!,
Utsukushii Otoko dan Pink, kini hadir di SPLASH!
Clash Baby menceritakan sepak terjang Momose,
seorang cewek SMU yang menjadi petarung jalanan.
Ikuti kisah perjuangan Momose dalam menghadapi
orang-orang yang ingin menjatuhkannya hanya


Cats and I story by Machiko, art by Han - 44p :
Karena komiknya selalu ditolak, Rena seorang komikus
nyaris putus asa. Namun bantuan tak terduga datang!
Rena menemukan naskah komik SUPER KEREN
dimejanya! Siapa gerangan yang membantu Rena?!

AI story by Machiko, art by Melon Pan - 40p:
Jadi mahasiswi asing di Jepang gampang-gampang
susah! Ai harus kerja keras untuk biaya hidup.
Belum lagi karena harus jauh dengan sang pacar.
Lalu gimana dong kalau tiba-tiba ada cowok Jepang
tampan yang naksir dirinya?!

Sang Sayur story and art by S Y S - 8p:
Seperti apa sih kalau sayur-sayuran bisa sekolah dan
bergaul seperti layaknya manusia?! Ikuti cerita kocak
dari negeri sang sayur dengan tokoh-tokoh unik yang
pasti bikin kamu ketawa!

Chawan story and art by cosmic afro - 4p:

G’day Mate story and art by Gita - 32p:
Masafumi kepergok sewaktu mengutil di butik milik Brett,
seorang cowok Australia. Sebagai upah tutup mulut,
Masafumi terpaksa harus menjadi “pelayan” Brett?!
Kisah persahabatan yang unik antara dua cowok dengan
karakter yang sangat berbeda.

Harmel’s Link story and art by T.Wolv - 31p:
Dua anggota Harmel’s Link, Dot dan Go sedang
menjalankan tugas mudah. Tapi gara-gara krisis
kecanduan permen loli-nya, Dot, tugas mereka pun
berubah jadi petualangan yang tak terduga dan berbahaya!

Double Bubble story and art by RC - 19 p:
Alva dan Beta anak kembar tapi gak pernah akur dan
selalu bikin masalah! Apa mereka bisa kompak untuk
membuat pesta ulang tahun yang seru?!


SPLASH: The First Original Indonesian Manga Magazine

Out in stores on August 8, 2006!
Price Rp. 25,000 (around US $3)
Available at these places below:
- All of Kinokuniya Book Stores, Jakarta
- Machiko Manga School, Jakarta
- Saga Store Road Level 32, Mangga Dua Square Jakarta
- Cre Asian Craft Mart, Setia Budhi Building
Jl. Setia Budhi no. 42, Bandung
- Papaya Fresh Gallery
Jl. Raya Darmo Permai Selatan no. 3, Surabaya

Or you may order Splash online by emailing us at
Further information on national/international shipping costs
is available upon request.

12 August 2006 - 2-3 pm at Kinokuniya Pondok Indah Mall
19 August 2006 - 2-3 pm at Kinokuniya Plaza Indonesia
26 August 2006 - 2-3 pm at Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan - THE GRAND LAUNCH

Wanna read a different kind of Indonesian mangas?
Wanna see many unique and awesome characters
smothering the entire book?

Seach no more!
Because Splash, a quarterly manga magazine, is here!
It has been prepared and made for you all manga lovers!
Enjoy the various works of the graduates from
Machiko Manga School Jakarta, PLUS some compelling
articles, niiice bookmarks and pinup bonus!
Everything you can find in the premiere edition of SPLASH.


What’s MaQita and MaQinin : Wanna hear about us
and what we have been up to? Find the answers in
this premiere edition of SPLASH!

MaQita Shou : Send us your awesome mangas to be
published in SPLASH. Pay attention to the rules, and grab
an exciting prize for you all whose work made it through
into our magazine!


Satosumi Takaguchi’s work : CLASH BABY
One of the best works of Satosumi Takaguchi,
a famous Japanese mangaka who is known
for her work such as Hana no Asuka Gumi!,
Utsukushii Otoko and Pink, now is appearing in SPLASH!
Clash Baby tells a story of Momose, a high school
girl who becomes a street fighter.
Follow her adventurous tales as Momose battles
through countless opponents ONLY in SPLASH!


Cats and I story by Machiko, art by Han - 44p:
Rena, a comic writer, is on the verge of giving up
since her comics has always been rejected.
But an unexpected help comes along!
Rena finds a finished SUPER COOL comic
pages on her desk! Who could it be??

AI story by Machiko, art by Melon Pan - 40p:
Being a college student in Japan is kinda tough!
Ai gotta work her butt off to go through her daily life,
not to mention being away from her boyfriend.
So what is gonna happen if a handsome Japanese
guy appears and falls for her?!

Sang Sayur story and art by S Y S - 8p:
What if vegetables and fruits could go to school
and interact with each other like humans?!
Follow the wacky story from the land of
SANG SAYUR with its over-the-top characters
that will guarantee to win many laughters!

Chawan story and art by cosmic afro - 4p:

G’day Mate story and art by Gita - 32p:
Masafumi was caught in the middle of shoplifting
in a clothing's boutique owned by Brett, an Australian guy.
To shut Brett up, Masafumi has no choice but to become
his "servant"?! A tale of a unique friendship of two guys
with antagonistic/unlikely characters.

Harmel’s Link story and art by T.Wolv - 31p:
Two members of Harmel's Link, Dot and Go,
are in the middle of their effortless mission.
BUT due to Dot's chronic addiction to lollipops,
their mission has turned out to be an unexpected
and dangerous journey!

Double Bubble story and art by RC - 19 p:
Alva and Beta are twins but they are like water and oil
and prone to getting into trouble! Can they stick to each
other for once so their birthday party turns out great and
enjoyable to everyone??

Thursday, July 13, 2006

this month's constellation

due to the stars' tendency to generate their energy in the southern sky this month, it is a sign for all cancer people to get enough sleep ... or they will end up with some poopy luck for the remaining of july. but do not fear, because the stars have some rip-roaring good times in store for you. get ready to rumble boys and girls! another good news for your cancer people, someone you respect deeply has been listening to you more closely than ever, and today they may ask for your input on an important dilemma. as for the remaining of the zodiacs, dont take up more work (or food)than you can chew. everyone knows what overeating can result in O__O

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