blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Thursday, February 23, 2006

my recent super dreams

.... or should i say super WEIRD dreams!

but anyway i am gonna type this real quick before i have forgotten about it:

1. i dreamed about my 2 best friends in the US. sun and anthony. for some weird reason we were having an indoor picnic inside one of our school cafetarias. we ate together, laughed together and talked about nonsense all the time. for some reason sun's hair was still short and dyed (unlike now, black and long). she brought her usual huge black canson sketchbook. i was gonna request those 2 to make some kind of fanart for me .... BUT I GOT UP! this is really pissing me off!!!!! we didnt even get to do anything T_T

2. i was reading a really cute nicely-designed colorful children's book inside this really big casino (in the US), actually it wasnt even in a casino but it was at the kitchen of one of the casinos so the place looked like a huge factory but not so noisy. i was really into my book until i passed by brad pitt. he was in a pair of jeans and a yellow pullover summer sweater over a white shirt. he was in the middle of talking to someone at the moment, but as i passed him by ... he deliberately turned to me and gave me a big smile. as strange as that might be, i didnt pay attention to him since i thought he may have mistaken me for someone else. another weird thing was as i kept walking, he was also walking not too far beside me ... and with another big smile on his face. as if he was really after me O__O!!! go figure! then i thought to myself .... have we ever met before? but i stood over a bridge to read the book i had, surprisingly he stopped and stood next to me, but not too close. he pointed at the book and said, "i remember reading one of those books when i was a kid. it was great!" i replied to his remark but dont really remember what it was. ANOTHER weird thing was after talking for a bit, he came up to me, hugged me and pecked me on my lips ... as if we had known each other for a long time (OR as if we were *dating* ... that freaked me out!). he decided to take me somewhere for a lunch, but suddenly we were crossing an empty road in jakarta. we saw many oncoming cars in a distance, and as the cars came on to us fast .... we sprint across the road .... and

MY MOM WOKE ME UP through the phone next to me!

GRAAAAA~~~!!!! wasnt that just annoying or what?? i tried going back to sleep again to see if it would go on, but it wouldnt. this really sucks, because i dont think i even like brad pitt! so why him of ALL people!? if it were branden fraser, life would be much better. but i gotta admit though .... mr. pitt had a great smile that could light up the entire world.

now u can laugh all u want >.<
and let me tell u that i DO NOT dream about celebrities very often!
because i think it is just cheesy period :P
demo kondo wa .... ZETTAI OKITAKUNAKATTA YOOO~~~~~

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