blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Saturday, January 28, 2006

a BECK sketch

.... that i never finished 2 years ago bleh @_@!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

my ken sketch

this is for a fun collaboration street fighter project i am doing.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Sunday, January 08, 2006

the super cute gift

i just got from all the way in the states ^__^!!!!
totally caught me off guard!!
thanks a lot chris chan *hug hug*!!
i am so happy because they have nothing like this in indo!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com