blog of S Y S, the webmistress of mini-sys.com : version 3.0

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Location: Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia

"You can't save time & money at the same time"

Friday, October 28, 2005

happy birthday to .....

a certain special someone in gundam seed!!! forgive me if i somehow depicted him in the wrong way, after all i dont and never seen gundam seed O__O. so to u all seed fans out there, u guys may lynch me for trying to make u guys happy on athrun's special day T___T!!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, October 27, 2005


i forgot that my hair now looks different from the previous constellations. so here i took the liberty to upload the new version of the constellation's template!! sorry if my hair took up the MOST space in the temp -___-;;

*dies of too much poofiness in the hair*

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

current flash news

good news:

- verbal of m-flo and ryo-z & ilmari of rip slyme r collaborating to release a debut US album named 'teriyaki boyz, beef or chicken' under the recold label, def jam recordings mid november 2005.

bad news:

- my favorite band, do as infinity, IS BREAKING UP T___T!!! but luckily my dear girl, van tomiko, is well on her way to her solo career path.

- looked at my horoscope today. and found this!


and after reading that i felt like ....


now back to the constellation.

*due to popular votes, i have decided to continue the constellation series XD. thanks to u all, loyal supporters!

as the north and south stars aligned in the east sky tonight, every scorpio in the world will do great in the business and career department. If anyone can handle a business meeting, it's you. The almost imperceptible frown, the slight purse to your lips -- the glance that's just a millisecond too long at one particular paragraph. It's all designed to bring out beads of nervous perspiration on the opponent's temples -- and that's well before you've even cleared your throat to ask the question they've been dreading. It's a gift; a knack. Oh, heck, call it what it is: It's a secret weapon, and it's going to work like a charm right now.

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Monday, October 17, 2005

what's your monitor's resolution?

(i meant computer monitor)

please pick one of all choices below:

800 x 600

800 x 640

1024 x 768

1024 x 820


1280 x 1024

it will REALLY help if u guys and girls can be kind enough to participate in this survey. it will also make my life much easier ^^. love u all *hugs and kisses*!!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com

Thursday, October 13, 2005


hello peeps hello :P

i am now back in jakarta ... back home from my 2 month trip to the US and Europe.
i dont know if this has ever happened to u .... or something u have experienced before ... but after months away from home ... coming back home felt weird. like as if u have been thrown into hot water, and a lot of things at home dont seem so familiar anymore. i have forgotten about some things, like where i put some of my things, how my bathroom has its own little water spray thingy on the side of the toilet (u know what i am talking about right? the thing u use to wash yourself after your deeds :P ... but anyway in the US or europe there r NO such things ... coming back home to find it next to my toilet was kinda weird), how my studio looks like, how my FREAKIN' monitor looks like (forgot which WALLPAPER i had on before i left) .... and so on and so on.

felt like i have landed in another planet ... so familiar but not really .... kinda like twilight zone haha. but GAH!! forget about my babbling!! dont know what i am talking about ... at this point my brain has gone to comma due to my heavy jetlag syndrome ... but anyway the news is i am back in the city safely. for those of u who knows my number ... u can feel free to call me or text message me. and once i have gone through hundreds and hundreds of pics i have taken during my trip .... i will be sure to post them all up ... or even post up a link of them up here .... so u guys can feel free to check them out and comment on them ^___^

so stay tune everyone!!!

web : www.mini-sys.com
blog : mini-sys.blogspot.com